2009 Year of Ox

The Ox is strong, steady, dependable and determined --  a welcome contrast to the wily and often destructive Rat. As the second of the Chinese zodiac signs, the Ox represents the construction and building phase after the new beginning of a 12-year cycle. The Ox year is a time of hard work, duty and discipline -- not a time for laziness. Success will be attained through diligent labor and conscientious effort, inspiring us to bring order to our business and home lives after the turbulence of the Rat year.

In the Chinese lunar calendar, 2009 is symbolized by two earth elements, one on top of the other, both yin and yang. At the same time, the pre-dominant element of the Ox is earth and in an Earth Ox year, earth will be especially intense. The earth element is about stability, providing a sense of harmony, peace and restoration. The last Earth Ox year, 1949, heralded the birth of the People’s Republic of China and the formation of NATO and brought great strides in post-World War II reparation. DaVinci, Darwin, Freud, Tchiakovsky --  Earth Ox has spawned great intellect and creativity. And the stars are lining up for President Barack Obama,
also born in an Earth Ox year like his predecessor Abraham Lincoln, as the world awaits his leadership of the country born July 4, 1776, another Earth Ox year.

The stubborn Fire element has been a driving force behind the excessive growth of stock markets in recent years. In 2008, however, tumbling share prices coincided with the arrival of the water element, dousing fire and bringing fear and worry. Water tide recedes in 2009 and the dominance of the earth element should restore some foundation for wood industries, including fashion, textiles, media, paper and environmental conservation -- wood rises from earth. As fire brings fertility to earth, so the earth element should nurture a gradual stability and confidence in global finance, electronic products, petroleum and power generation.  Earth industries such as property, hotels, mining and insurance promise to be active under the influence of a strong earth character, but competition will be ferocious and profits will be stingy. Metal industries, such as machinery, engineering and high technology, should enter a year of investment with little immediate profit, while water businesses -- shipping, communication, drinks -- may struggle to keep their heads above the surface.

The Ox’s stability will require patience as the work of the Rat lingers. Unemployment, financial confidence, systemic integrity -- all issues will require deliberate and steady action. Change in the Rat year has been global, although Northern Asia is expected to find recovery ahead of other parts of the developed world.

The mid-90s gave rise to excessive financial optimism, widening disparity between rich and poor, and unrealistic valuations. After the retribution of the Rat, the Ox should bring us back down to earth. Recovery, although slow, will gain strength through the year. Ox year is the time to be persistent without being pushy; over-aggressiveness and over-ambition will not force closed doors to open. In 2009, those of us who harness our plows and get to work will prosper.